The improvement and development of processes is tightly dependent on the functioning of machines and systems. From this point of view, developments such as intelligent field sensors, warning the system before errors occur, preventive predictions, preventive maintenance-repair and ensuring the error-free operation of processes, which increase and become more complex, and which expand and intensify the dependencies between the machine and the system, are gaining in importance.< /p>
It is in the nature of the business that the countries producing machine-hardware want to protect and strengthen their own positions and develop policies. We should focus on what we should do rather than what others are doing. In societies like ours, which strive to adapt to developments, the agenda is different and comprehensive. When we think about the agenda of machinery manufacturers in Turkey, we can summarize the steps to be taken in five points:
1- Establishing an intellectual foundation in the industry: In an industry that includes multi-layered technologies such as machine production, increasing complexity, changing interdependencies during production and usage, and differentiating the network they form, following the developments in depth, We must create an intellectual base that informs the producer in real time. If we concretize this general narrative, we need a structure that compiles data, information and information developed in academic circles, research institutions, application centers and reflected in open sources in machine production around the world. It is vital that the manufacturer is equipped with the necessary information about which technical developments stand out in the physical components, intelligent components and connections of the machines.
If we do not expand our fields of curiosity in the mental sense, if we do not establish mechanisms that create data, information, knowledge and depth of understanding about what is happening, if we continue to do business with manners, not analysis, the Industry 4.0 stage should not be expected to adapt to machine production. . Today, it has become clear that the fourth stage in the industry is breaking its ties with tradition, and radical changes and transformations are required in the mental sense. Our country needs a very serious «business intelligence» in machinery production; the boundaries of this need should be drawn, the coverage area should be determined, and the “early warning” of the producer with the support of collective resources should be supported with serious structures.
2- Determining the area where we can compete: The second step in creating a rapid and effective development in machine production is to determine the areas where we have a chance to compete and allocate resources according to priority. Do we need to manufacture every machine? Is the current data in our country sufficient for the producer to choose a site? Are our incentive systems rationally leading? The entrepreneur is primarily responsible for setting priorities, but the guiding institutions of the society should also provide support.
Our machinists should carry out “area determination” studies taking into account the world conditions, and a road map should be determined with the cooperation of public authorities, bureaucracy and civil initiatives. This is the intellectual base, the next step after sound knowledge; It is not possible to exist in today’s world without developing analytical skills.
3- Capital attachment of machine manufacturers: We know that machine manufacturers do not have sufficient capital in our country. In the context of Industry 4.0, there will be significant investment needs in both the renewal of production facilities and the purchase of equipment according to new needs. Having a clear knowledge of the physical components, smart components and connection components of the machine manufacturers by doing preliminary research on the area in which they will invest will help connect the capital to the right place, at the right time, in the right amount.
As in the past, if we invest in fairs, exhibitions or other areas without pre-examination and without having the necessary knowledge; we are caught in the traps of unnecessary machinery-equipment and unnecessary spending. As we always underline, well-equipped specialized organized industrial zones and land allocation based on production ownership are another means of establishing a balance in the context of capital.
4- Evaluating our potential with correct matches: The strategy of matching with machinery manufacturers, especially in developed countries, is another of the main problems of our machinery manufacturing industry. Let’s take the example of Germany. In the production of machinery based on medium-sized workplaces in this country, the demand for matching the machine manufacturers of our country with the workplaces will increase. By making a good analysis in Germany, structures that will guide our organizations that want to cooperate can also be an effective tool for machine manufacturers to create healthy development. With general and categorical approaches, we cannot move the industry to a level where it can have a say in the international arena without equipping the machinery manufacturers with the necessary knowledge. The professional associations of our machine manufacturers are the places to develop correct recommendations on the matching strategy. Machine manufacturers, political will, bureaucracy, civic initiatives and the media to legitimize a clear strategy of matching among themselves is a necessary condition for healthy and rapid development.
5-Ensuring effective governance with the right incentive systems: Incentive systems serve as a “lever” in the development of sectors. Incentive systems in our country have not been able to help us reach the targets announced to the public.
We are on the threshold of a reorganization of incentive mechanisms: The incentive system to be regulated must answer a number of questions correctly: Where is the world’s machine production heading in the context of new technologies? What are the areas where R&D studies and design studies focus on machine production? What are the possibilities and constraints of machine manufacturers in our country? What are the opportunities and threats created by new trends around the world? What is the objective situation of the machinery manufacturers in our country, especially in terms of their perspectives on production, their equipment, and the level of education system to create a qualified labor supply? It is time to present clear solutions to the political will and bureaucracy on how to establish the appropriate balance between opportunities and dangers, possibilities and constraints by posing a similar set of questions to ourselves. Incentives should become project-oriented rather than space-oriented, sector-oriented, deviations between feasibility values and implementation values at the investment stage must be determined with “feedback”, fine adjustments must be made, and “systematic and uncompromising supervision and control” must be provided.
We cannot ignore the experience in machine production in our country. Everyone should know and internalize that we are at the “critical threshold” so that we can bring this accumulation to meet new needs in quantity and quality so that it is possible to achieve the level we deserve. We are people who are not in machine production, but observe from the outside. The shortcomings of the suggestions here are completed; If their mistakes are corrected, those who do that task will enrich us. We should discuss the problems of machine production in our country openly and clearly so that we do not repeat the mistakes made in the past.